Podcast # 4!
It's been a while, so we were in order for a new podcast. Well here it is, starting off with some classics by the way of Krakdown and Madball. I still haven't found the time/ inclination/ appropriate method to transfer my vinyl to mp3, so I'm still only able to use tracks I have access to mp3 or CDs of. Nonetheless, a couple interesting tracks find their way into the podcast this time around:
First of all, Raw Deal's "Fear in the Streets" from a tape that circulated around that seems alternately labeled a practice tape and as "demo 2". I first heard this track on WSOU's Hardcore Reality show back in around '95. It was very obviously Raw Deal, but I had never was able to figure out what song or where it was from. It didn't wind up with the bonus demo tracks on the "Brightside" reissue Victory Records released some time later, and most people I asked didn't know what the song was. I managed to record the show on cassette so for a while I had a copy of it, but a few moves later I couldn't find that tape either. Fast forward some years later and the Omegas are in a van heading somewhere to Ontario and I see the song on Spoiler's iPod. I confirm this is the song I had been searching for, and he schools me on where it came from. I suppose nowadays I could have just asked folks on the Livewire Board where it was from, but alas, years ago this was not possible.
Another thing I was excited to get was mp3s of Full Fledged's demo. A NJ band around 1996, these guys were good friends of mine, and closely related to No Contest (drummer Ben Wiley was in both bands), these guys were unfortunately short lived and never wound up releasing anything. Even though the demo is essentially a practice tape, it's still a good piece of hardcore. I became friends with the crew of those two bands after seeing them at shows for a while in both NYC and NJ, and we got on pretty well. Although friendly with the MCYC, these guys totally had their own thing going on and were a bit wilder. I still have the demo, but I don't have a working tape player-- Amazingly enough Ben Pepin of Sherbrooke, QC had mp3s of this somehow, so I snagged it from him.
Two tracks from the SUB compilation are on the podcast. One by Ratos De Porao, Sao Paulo's best-known (internationally) and longest running hardcore band (if you look elsewhere on this blog, you'll find an interview with Boka of RDP), and another by Colera, one of Brazil's very first (??) punk bands. Really gritty and gruff hardcore, with more than a little touch of metal (albeit insanely raw) even for 1983, this compilation showcased the first vinyl outtings of some of the earliest Brazilian hardcore bands. I managed to get a copy of this on vinyl on Sao Paulo on a visit a few years back. I was record shopping, looking to see if I could snag some old Samba records, and came across a punk store named Cimex. This was off the beaten path a little bit; it wasn't in the famed "Galeria" and was a punk-run record store. The people working there were cool, we got to talking, and wound up hanging out there for a bit drinking. They had a copy of this for sale, and the rest is history. Also included in our little "Brazil block" are rippers by two newer bands: B.U.S.H., and Bandanos.
Finally, you're treated with the a preview of the very first track off the forthcoming Cheap Tragedies Record. By now, both of their 7"s on Livewire Records and High Anxiety 415 are out. They'll both rule. And the LP is sick. Get it in the fall.
Listen here: Dan Scheme's Fourth Podcast!
Listen here: Dan Scheme's Fourth Podcast!
Labels: cheap tragedies, Dan Scheme's podcast, Full Fledged NJHC, Raw Deal, SUB compilation
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